Showing posts with label medical compression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical compression. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 February 2014

How to deal with women emotions after pregnancy ?

women are susceptible to emotional ups and downs after child delivery.  Pregnancy phase changes a women psyche and they have to change themselves overnight.  This sudden change in relationship, health, physique, attire results in a drastic change in behavior. Those women who were not mentally prepared to these kind of situation breaks down easily and undergoes depression.  Women come across situation like labor pain which they always try to manipulate and set their standards accordingly. But, the fact about labor pain is absolutely different as the pain differs from situation to situation. Even the same mother delivering second child may not estimate the labor pain.  Pain that disturbs a women can be from vaginal delivery or from  cesarean  delivery. Again a few moment separation from the child after delivery also causes  irritation. Delivery due to vaginal birth tends to be normal and do not have much effect on the mother’s emotion, however, to feel good can wear girdle for women. But, if mother undergoes c-section delivery , then it takes huge time to recover thereby causing irritation and emotional surge. Women can minimize this by wearing a c-section support belt to get relief from the upswing of the emotion.

Lot many expectations from partners regarding sharing the load and extending support for child care is also nullified at a stage. So, partners need to be bit more supportive to their wife in raising the child.  After mutual effort from both the partners only reduces some kind of stress or depression from women.  Delivering the role of parenting is a slow process  and both the partners should gradually learn to accommodate without expecting too much in a short time and invariably ending up with a feeling for guilt and finally depression.  About 15 to 20% mothers undergoes  depressions like anxiety, lethargic, guilt feeling, mood swings, irritability, forgetfulness, crying tendency,  staying lonely.

There is also another reason for increase in postpartum depression in women. This is due to the sudden increase in estrogen and progesterone hormone level within 24  hours of child birth.  There is also seems to be a drop in thyroid hormone in women after child birth.  Other  things associated with women’s negative emotions are family emotions, financial problem, bad relationship with partner and family tendency.   There is a certain level of dissatisfaction is seen after  pregnancy when the physique conscious mother starts gaining weight.  This happens as the women abdomen gets extended due to the baby and ,so,  starts putting a lot of pressure on her girdle. After child birth this extended muscle fibre is not going to contract or loosen overnight . Women gain huge emotional  upheaval due to this disfigure of their body shape.  Women are advised to continue their exercise after 2 weeks of their child birth. Exercise must not be that extensive that puts pressure on the already sored body. Women can always wear  postpartum support belt  to tighten the loosened body.  Celebrity like Jessica Alba have started using  double corset  as an exercise belt to tighten her abdomen  after postpartum recovery. Jessica Alba in her interview also suggested that she used almost 14 to 16 hours per day to gain her pre pregnancy shape.  She is now a mother of two and have managed to recover her original shape. She also proclaims that her good body shape after c-section incision is allowing her to overcome her heavy swaying emotions.