Thursday, 13 February 2014


Tummy hanging down, skin becoming flabby, couldn’t go for social networking, feeling depressed, not getting enough attention from your husband-; are you facing all these problems? I understand you must be going through hell. But don’t worry; be happy, because that “face-hung-down” expression doesn’t suit you.

A woman during pregnancy experiences many complicated thoughts. She wonders whether after pregnancy she will be able to get back her hourglass figure or not. So, women tie all your troubling thoughts in a bundle and it in some gutter because I have got you all an absolutely amazing and 100% guaranteed solution. Its post pregnancy belly belt. These are wide belts that fasten under your uterus. It is an abdominal compression binder designed to help you get your body back to its former spectacular post childbirth. It covers the area from the pubic to the lower rib, thus ensuring that your tummy gets back into shape. it makes you feel better and doesn't even hurt you. It will help you with your demeanor during feedings, and too helps to reduce the back & shoulder pain associated with breast feeding. It will keep the fetus in place and reduce stretch marks. Its prices may range from $12 to $120. The prices may vary.  You can get these belts from any local maternity stores or you can even order them online. But before ordering make sure that you buy one from a reputed brand so that your experience is a positive one.



We all know that after pregnancy a woman’s stomach hangs down and she feels very uneasy. That’s why post maternity belts were discovered. The woman can wear this belt around her waist and it may help her to recover especially within the first six weeks of child birth. In the six weeks following the birth, whether the birth is natural or by cesarean, a woman's body goes through a critical restoration and rejuvenating process. The usages of these wraps helps to iron out (flatten) and firm a woman’s tummy, reformulate her abdomen, curtail bloating caused by water retention in the abdominal area, assist with the relocating and dwindling or shriveling of the uterus and helps to improve her demeanor and support her core. It helps their internal organs assume their proper positions faster.
In the beginning, for a few couple of days you may not feel comfortable and it may feel too tight. You can loosen it as per your convenience. You should still be able to easily move about and sit whilst wearing it. But after using it regularly at its optimal firmness it will feel like a second skin. These belts are designed in such a way that it assists you in bringing your body back to its former beauty and proportion after child birth. It will help in minimizing the stretch marks and increase your comfort level.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

How to deal with women emotions after pregnancy ?

women are susceptible to emotional ups and downs after child delivery.  Pregnancy phase changes a women psyche and they have to change themselves overnight.  This sudden change in relationship, health, physique, attire results in a drastic change in behavior. Those women who were not mentally prepared to these kind of situation breaks down easily and undergoes depression.  Women come across situation like labor pain which they always try to manipulate and set their standards accordingly. But, the fact about labor pain is absolutely different as the pain differs from situation to situation. Even the same mother delivering second child may not estimate the labor pain.  Pain that disturbs a women can be from vaginal delivery or from  cesarean  delivery. Again a few moment separation from the child after delivery also causes  irritation. Delivery due to vaginal birth tends to be normal and do not have much effect on the mother’s emotion, however, to feel good can wear girdle for women. But, if mother undergoes c-section delivery , then it takes huge time to recover thereby causing irritation and emotional surge. Women can minimize this by wearing a c-section support belt to get relief from the upswing of the emotion.

Lot many expectations from partners regarding sharing the load and extending support for child care is also nullified at a stage. So, partners need to be bit more supportive to their wife in raising the child.  After mutual effort from both the partners only reduces some kind of stress or depression from women.  Delivering the role of parenting is a slow process  and both the partners should gradually learn to accommodate without expecting too much in a short time and invariably ending up with a feeling for guilt and finally depression.  About 15 to 20% mothers undergoes  depressions like anxiety, lethargic, guilt feeling, mood swings, irritability, forgetfulness, crying tendency,  staying lonely.

There is also another reason for increase in postpartum depression in women. This is due to the sudden increase in estrogen and progesterone hormone level within 24  hours of child birth.  There is also seems to be a drop in thyroid hormone in women after child birth.  Other  things associated with women’s negative emotions are family emotions, financial problem, bad relationship with partner and family tendency.   There is a certain level of dissatisfaction is seen after  pregnancy when the physique conscious mother starts gaining weight.  This happens as the women abdomen gets extended due to the baby and ,so,  starts putting a lot of pressure on her girdle. After child birth this extended muscle fibre is not going to contract or loosen overnight . Women gain huge emotional  upheaval due to this disfigure of their body shape.  Women are advised to continue their exercise after 2 weeks of their child birth. Exercise must not be that extensive that puts pressure on the already sored body. Women can always wear  postpartum support belt  to tighten the loosened body.  Celebrity like Jessica Alba have started using  double corset  as an exercise belt to tighten her abdomen  after postpartum recovery. Jessica Alba in her interview also suggested that she used almost 14 to 16 hours per day to gain her pre pregnancy shape.  She is now a mother of two and have managed to recover her original shape. She also proclaims that her good body shape after c-section incision is allowing her to overcome her heavy swaying emotions.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Pregnancy is no more a Concern for independent Working Women

Pregnancy is more than auspicious feeling for a woman in her life. She sees a part of her growing and is created from within her body. Initially, the feeling is bit painful physically with joint aches, weight gains and food /work restrictions. The whole 9 months is like a curse to the physical being. Working women has to take official leave and along take care of themselves and the baby within.  The major issue to whole pregnancy episode is weight gain. Body weight increases due to the factors like baby between 3kg to 3.62kg, breasts 0.45kg to 1.4kg, womb 0.68kg to 0.9kg, placenta 0.45kg to 0.68kg, Amniotic fluid  0.9kg, other fluids 0.9kg to 1.8kg, extra fat 2.7kg to 3.6kg, extra blood volume 1.4kg to 1.8kg. Overall, a women ends up adding extra 12 to 14kg during  pregnancy.

The pains in the hips, knees and backbone also  gives impression about old age weaknesses and which is followed by total mental stress to carry on whole day. So, all efforts and consultations are limited to recover from these backdrops after c-section. This natural weight gain during pregnancy should not be taken seriously. But, it should be a concern after pregnancy.

Weight certainly decreases or sheds after pregnancy. Sometimes it may takes a year long time. Women should take all measures to reduce weight after postpartum recovery. If by any means a woman feels that her weight is reducing even after efforts made, then they should be concerned about it and contact the doctor for consultation. Normally, women should try to shed body fat around 0.5 kg per week by exercising, diet control or by using maternity support belt. Even though, after taking so much drastic measures also if body weight is not loosing then there may be other health problems like postpartum pregnancy belly inflammation of the thyroid gland or pregnancy complexities which is not allowing the body to loose weight. Diet plan for individual women depending on their personal taste , preferences and body nutritional requirements should be crafted for better and faster result.

Independent and working women are highly concerned and aware about their diet, available equipments for weight loss program and recover back ache and other health hazards. A sample diet plan is here as mentioned
Breakfast followed by oatmeal, cinnamon, sugar, grapefruit and low fat milk.
Lunch followed by loaded baked potato, apple and low fat milk.
Dinner followed by easy bean burritos, green beans, canned peaches, low fat milk.
Snack followed by strawberry banana smoothie, Vanilla Wafers

Physical activity and exercise should be followed by sport, running, yoga , dancing or walking to the shops as long as one feels comfortable. Avoid exercise in hot weather and ensure intake of plenty of water. Back ache can be reduced and supported by using compression garment like corsets specially designed to keep the abdomen and hips tight. Continuously wearing these garments for a longer period will ensure weight loss after c-section recovery.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Maternity products those are useful during pregnancy

Women experience a different world during pregnancy . They undergo the severest of the pain in their lifetime and the extreme happiness out of the pain after seeing the new life born out of them. The most delicate period in their lifetime where they are bound to take care  of themselves  to give birth to a healthy child. Women must look forward to certain maternity products  to facilitate child birth. Some  of them  which  we have listed are postpartum supportbelt, maternity bra , skin lotion, fetal Doppler, pregnancy  body pillow, nausea relief with preggie pops, sea band and popsicles,  leggings , slip on shoes , camisoles, lotions for removing stretch marks, pre-pregnancy jeans.

Pregnancy body pillow is a well designed pillow  which cushion expanded belly of mother  while sleeping. The pillow is U and C Shaped and made with cotton cover and polyester filling. Its  prices varies between  $50 to $60 per  piece. Girdle for women  to  support  their extended belly during pregnancy. This helps to tighten their abdomen even when they are not  working out. Women feel comfortable due to the firmness  provided  by the girdle. They  loose weight  as fast  as within 4 to 5 months.  Average standard support belts are available between  $30 to $50 and those quality based branded belts are available at $120 to $150. This  product  is more essential as it not only provides  comfort  but, also burns extra fat to help women to regain their old shape.  Maternity  bra also provides comforts to  breasts  when they are bulging  and growing as  the pregnancy days  coming nearer. As  the trimester  comes nearer to delivery  , the breast size also starts increasing and starts making women uncomfortable.  Increase  in breast size  is inconsistent  and unique in every women, so,  bra shopping  has to be frequently done.  Breast feeding bra is another requirement for women where they can easily breast feed their babies without much difficulty.  Skin lotion includes olive oil which should be used  to massage through out the body . This keeps the body firm and stretch mark free and soothe the body perfectly  making the skin soft. Fetal Doppler is a machine  that helps to hear the sound  of the baby’s  heart beat  in the mother’s womb. The machine looks  like a walkie with ear phones.   This ultrasound fetal  doppler cost around $30 to $150. Women can experience their motherhood with the fetal doppler. Morning sickness or nausea needed to be overcome by consuming protein. Preggy  pops  contain  ingredients that provides relief from morning sickness and  increase in energy  . This also come with wide variety of flavors like  peppermint, spearmint, lavender, ginger etc.   This has to be dissolved in mouth and not chewed. Sea band has to be worn on wrist to relieve from morning sickness.
Similarly, maternity  clothes like camisole, leggies to be purchased to keep body comfortable and slip on shoes will provide relief to walk over. The whole idea is to keep women fit and comfortable.

Maintaining health standard of Working Women after delivery

Working women are very much engrossed in a routine life along with following all employment policies to stay at work. It is essential for them to maintain good health and prepare themselves for both pre and post natal situation.  Weight management is one key are where women should focus before, during and post child delivery. Physical exercise with dietary arrangements will help them to keep their body fit and cover minimum nutritional requirement.  Weight management also ensures that the body weight should be properly balanced between BMI 25 TO BMI 30.

Almost 120 countries in the world has provision for paid maternity leave for women in companies. Only countries like United States, Australia and New Zealand do not follow the paid maternity leave law entrusted by International Labor Organization.  Due to non existence of paid leave , women were facing difficulties while pregnancy. Job loss threat ensues women to work irrespective of pregnancy or health condition.  Women are the main source of income in some 30% of the households worldwide. Countries like Czech Republic provides 28 weeks paid maternity leave, Hungary provides 24 weeks, Italy provides 5 months, Canada provides 17 weeks etc. United States provides 3 Month unpaid maternity leave and this is allowed if the company has more than 50 employees.  There are some states in USA which provide paid maternity leave . The paid leave is ensured in some countries by the employers and in some countries by government social security.  

Mother, father and child should be encouraged to stay close to each other. This increases emotional bonding and strong attachment is developed between  the three. Child stays secure due to this closeness. Babies should be allowed to breastfeed during  the first hour of their delivery as it might affects the lactation of the mother.  Mothers  face immense level of emotional surge in postpartum period.  Some mothers  feel highly excited and enthusiastic and some feels drained, exhausted and sleepy.  All these experience is taken positively or negatively based on the labor pain or degree of difficulty in delivering a child. Women looses upto 500ml of blood during the delivery process.  So much irregularities followed by  obesity or distortion in figure results in lower self esteem and confidence. Primarily, women started wearing belly wrap like corsets and girdles to keep themselves fit and improve their appearance.  But, during pregnancy or after pregnancy there are certain medical compression available in the market which is designed to overcome unusal pelvic expansion.  C-sectionbinder  are designed to have hook  and  zip for keeping it tight with the abdomen. It is advisable to wear the costume for atleast 14 hours a day. This might creates uncomfortable experience like heavy sweating , but, it is worth wearing to get back in shape.  Maternity girdle are available in many shape and sizes , but, should be used strictly under medical supervision.  Working women should consistently follow the diet, exercise for c-section and postpartum girdle and experience their weight loss program as Jessica Alba.